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Harry Kane on being part of “The Making of a Footballer”: “An incredible feeling”

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<p><strong>The FIFA Museum’s special exhibition “The Making of a Footballer: Photographs of Youthful Dreams”, which documents the stories of up-and-coming young talents and legendary players through a dazzling collection of photographs, has been captivating the public in Zurich for around six weeks. One of the more than 20 stars featured in the exhibition is England’s record goalscorer, Harry Kane.</strong></p>
<p>In this interview, the attacker gives a number of personal insights and talks about the obstacles he has had to overcome in his career.</p>
<p><em>You can be seen alongside some of the greatest footballers of all time, such as Pelé, Paolo Maldini and Iker Casillas, in the exhibition “The Making of a Footballer: Photographs of Youthful Dreams”. What does it mean to you to be part of this exhibition?</em></p>
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<p>Harry Kane: It’s a huge honour and an incredible feeling. It’s recognition for my hard work and dedication but, more importantly, it’s a great source of motivation. Becoming England’s top scorer is both a dream come true and something I would never have dared to imagine when I was a kid playing with a ball in the park. This exhibition is a chance to share our love of the sport and inspire the next generation. It’s a privilege to be a part of it.</p>
<p><em>When you think back to your childhood dream of becoming a professional footballer, what were the biggest challenges along the way and how did you overcome them?</em></p>
<p><strong>Harry Kane: </strong>At the start of my career, I had the feeling that I was ready to play at a high level and assert myself. But it wasn’t easy and I struggled to get into the team. My father advised me to work even harder and I stuck at it. It was all part of the footballing journey that has led me to where I am today.</p>
<p>The incredible support of my family, team-mates, coaches and amazing fans was crucial. They have always spurred me on to improve, to never give up and to keep pursuing my goals.</p>
<p><em>Your story is sure to inspire countless visitors. What advice would you give to those who are working hard to realise their dreams, especially when they come up against obstacles?</em></p>
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<p><strong>Harry Kane: </strong>I hope that this exhibition will inspire others to pursue their dreams with passion and dedication. There will be setbacks, there will be hard times, but if you believe in yourself, anything is possible.</p>
<p><em>Arsène Wenger’s four pillars for a footballer’s development (technique, physicality, tactics and mentality) are a core element of the exhibition, which also emphasises the importance of perseverance and determination. Can you name a personal mantra that has accompanied you on your path to becoming a professional footballer? </em></p>
<p><strong>Harry Kane: </strong>The most important elements for me are hard work, self-confidence and dedication, being the best I can be and not letting myself and my family down. I try to keep a level head too.</p>
<p>I think you also have to enjoy playing football. If you’re not smiling, you won’t play as well. But it’s also always about competition – you have to want to win. Whether it’s on the pitch or in a game of chess with my team-mates, I always want to win.</p>
<p><em>The Harry Kane Foundation, which you recently established, is focused on changing our generation’s attitude towards mental health. How does your personal journey relate to the foundation's mission? </em></p>
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<p><strong>Harry Kane: </strong>The long-term goal is to change an entire generation’s awareness of mental health. I have experienced the pressure in professional sport. Mental well-being is just as important for top performance as physical fitness.</p>
<p>I too have had challenging moments and setbacks. That’s why my foundation encourages people to adopt positive habits that strengthen their mental resilience and emotional well-being. We also want to counter the stigma that surrounds conversations about mental health. By showing that everyone faces challenges and that seeking help is a sign of strength, we can create a more open and accepting generation.</p>
<h4><em>Visit the FIFA Museum to see 'The Making of a Footballer: Photographs of Youthful Dreams'.</em></h4> <br> <a href=''>Get your tickets now</a>